Minggu, 24 Juli 2011


The word "Kelong" comes from the Malay language that describes the house in the sticks. These houses can be found in Asian countries especially in the ocean and they are used as a trap to bring the fish station. Kelongs used to do farming so they are usually accompanied by Agriculture Floating (Floating Platform), this is used in the Fish Farm Fish Maintenance.
Kelong is not independent, he does not have a water pipe s or electric lines are placed to the Kelong. Kelong running on diesel generators and water onboard, spacious by jerry. Provision is also filled weekly. Transportation to the Kelong and Fish Farming is by boat although there are certain Kelong in Asia is by the beach.
Fish farm saltwater fish will be back as grouper, snapper and sea bass. Catching crabs and lobsters are also common certain Fish Farm. Agriculture is usually self-defense as a food fish used were supplied by Kelong catch it.
The technology used to catch fish and shellfishes still very traditional but efficient. Kelong is using the current flow and a vertical rod attached to the seabed to guide the herd fish into which the Kelong Fishing Net primary resting on the seabed waiting. Net would be lifted by the machine to catch the fish caught. Fishing Nets fine holes so that small fish are also caught. The other method is to catch by Fishing Traps, designed to hide a favorable environment for fish where entry is easy but exit difficult to design.
Working in Kelongs involves routine work, where work is running 24 hours and daily routines should be divided into work shift. Workers would harvest fish, nets clean, repair and maintain the Kelong and fish farms. In the modern world about the presence of people willing to have a lifestyle that these workers are found on board Kelongs will become the owner.
Over the years, some Kelongs turned into tourist attraction in certain countries where people can have a retreat from city life but still Kelongs which retain their function in the seafood industry because there is an important source for fish

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