Senin, 25 Juli 2011

means lobsters
Lobsters are crustaceans fantastic, not to mention the most expensive. The cost of lobster comes with good reason. Lobster harvested or sold only after they exceed a certain weight mark. Sounds easy, but do you know that lobsters take a year to grow a pound? That seven-pound lobster butter on your plate took seven long years to grow. Something that takes a long time to grow would be tasty and delicious. In this case, the lobster did not disappoint. However, improper cooking destroys lobsters taste '. Because it needs to follow the recipe faithfully to keep the lobster taste good. These tasty crustaceans are generally cooked in three ways: boiling, steaming, and grilling. There is talk about how to change the taste of adrenaline in the lobster meat, but it has not been proven. However, to be sure, some suggest hypnotize a lobster before boiling to prevent adrenaline. To hypnotize these tasty crustaceans, simply rub or massage the head or abdomen. You will notice that they will limp tail and claws they become more relaxed. Take advantage of this moment and add them in a large pot of boiling salted water. To do this, put them in hot water first claw. Take them out as quickly as their color changes to orange, bright red. Serve immediately with butter, fresh or chilled meat them a little and pick them out for your favorite lobster recipe.
Another method to cook lobster is by steaming. Since this method only uses steam heat, lobsters remain fresh even when fully cooked as delicious juices are not lost in the water. However, because the lobster is immersed in liquids, flavoring them requires proper technique. Kill the lobster first before steaming to prevent crustaceans from climbing out of the pan. You can surprise them in hot water or freeze them. Take a large pot and a wide shelf to put the lobster on. It is better to steam a single crustacean to avoid crowding. Steaming liquid taste with salt, pepper, and spices and bring to a boil. Put the lobster in and steam. Make sure that the liquid does not reach the inside of the rack or crustaceans You will boil instead of steam. As always, take every crustaceans when red to prevent overcooking. If you are brave enough to kill for lobster, you can also grill them. This method is not for the faint of heart. Take your knife and put it in the middle of the crustacean head. Slice through the head to kill crustaceans fast. Slide the knife from head to tail to expose the sweet meat. Some recipes suggest scooping lobster meat and mixing with other ingredients and put the mixture into lobster shells emptied. Wrap them in foil and bake for a few minutes. Other recipes suggest giving the meat a better crust Italian cheese and broiling them in the oven until cheese is melted. Enjoy!

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